I saw this on one of the daily newsletters i receive from a website, and on a number of levels 'ouch' generally squeamishness appeared. Firstly how do you physically walk on something like that? Secondly don't go near anyone with those shoes in a night club, a stiletto heel on your toes is bad enough, you would lose a toe after this encounter.
The shoes are actually a new line by French jewelery designer Aoi Kotsuhiroi - "Exotic Regrets is a dance of the female muscles, tensed up as an ultimate stake. In the enclosure of the secret, ritual bodies and codes split the instant. Parallel heels are instruments of nudity as a trap in tension. The rest remains to be done, other rituals in balance.”

Now if any of you have ventured to the movies recently you may have dared brave 'Black Swan'. I did such thing happily with my orange Wednesday, I had heard so many good reviews about the film I was slightly apprehensive to see it, if I hear this it doesn't usually meet my expectations... I am torn about the film, great acting, dancing and cinematography but as the credits started to roll at the end I felt slightly perplexed if not traumatised and just sat there thinking 'what?'. I am still torn now, probably baffled, it may have been to some of the graphic violent scenes that had me hiding behind my pashmina yet eyes couldn't peel away from the screen... Anyway, the tedious link, the heels on the shoes reminded me of the Winona with the knife ( sounds like cluedo, what room was she in?) those who will have seen it will know what I mean in an instance, the thought of it still makes me feel slightly uncomfortable.

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