There is a pretty broad range there, some of them are just brands I love, for instance Virgin hold a very special place in my heart as I flew with them on my first long haul flight on my own to New York, and I thought the whole experience was amazing and I went with B.A last year and wasn't half as impressed, I think a large part of it is down to Virgin's image, a leader in there circles and many others.
Some brands like Ann Summers and United Colours of Benetton would be fun as they are established brands and are willing to take risks which can be seen through their advertising and for Ann Summers in their product ranges, and this could lead to more creative and adventurous outputs.
Sport is a big thing for me, if I'm not playing it I will probably be watching it. To work with not only some of the leading brands but also ones from different sectors like Burton who deal with more extreme sports or an event such as the Olympics would be fascinating.
Red Bull is one brand that has been fascinating for me, more so since I came back from a recent snowboarding holiday in the alps. Joining in the usual apres ski many bars have videos on of snow videos, mixing crashes and jumps to give you some inspiration for the next day on the slopes. But one night in the local Irish bar they had a Red Bull video on, some of the events they hold and sponsor were fantastic and totally out there from moto cross and battersea power station to car park races and even paper aeroplane tournaments, things you would not think necessarily possible but also things that most companies would not touch with a barge pole. This is where Red Bull has come into its element, the energy drink seems to be more of a front and now sideline, alongside all the extreme sports there is also a successful F1 team, a brand that sees no boundaries.
Granted I still wouldn't say no to John Lewis or Apple and would love to work on a Harvey Nichols window display, that would definitely be a career achievement. Other areas of interest would be car showrooms, hotels, restaurants...the list is endless.
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