Looking at the images of the new iPad it seems to have similarities with the MacBook Air, more rounded and no doubt lighter. One of the new features is two web cams so you can face time. Our household has an iPad and while the features will be great for some people, my mum is pretty content with just surfing the web for new handbags.
The other fabulous side of this coin is the opportunity it has brought for advertisers. The tablet has made it so you have access to the web at your fingertips. For instance if you read magazines or papers online, firstly the iPad is a great tablet to do so with its small and lightweight form. Easy to take it anywhere and a great size, it makes it ideal to read from and from the advertisers perspective they must be laughing as all the adverts they will have featured normally in a print out magazine will now be in web form and you will be able to click directly on the link to take you to the desired location driving more customers and potentially revenue to said company.

One Coffee Shop in Croatia has got rid of it's newspapers and moved forward using iPads in a bid to be greener and keep its coffee drinkers on the pulse with up to date information.

Endless opportunities and usage, the world is Apple's oyster.
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