I cant make my mind up about this, I think that as long as it is used purely for showcasing pieces from around the world or that are only available online is fine but I hope some stores don't replace it with the real thing. It kind of ties in with the whole internet shop vs literal shopping itself, obviously the online price is desirable but you cant beat that feeling of walking out of a shop with a purchase you love.
So Adidas and Intel have teamed up to create such a wall, up to 8,000 shoes where you can rotate, zoom etc and see peoples comments via twitter and such social networks. For Adidas its about extending the current range available to customers.
One of the other things I find fascinating is how it can recognise the gender of the individual approaching. This system also has the option of finding out a more detailed information about the shoe than many shop assistants would potentially be able to offer. To add to this there is marketing material available to view along with stats for all those sports fanatics out there. The final payment element is becoming very similar to what you find in Apple stores, people with iPads/tablets where you don't have to go to an actual till point you can purchase your item literally in the middle of the shop. Interesting developments in the world of retail.
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