I stumbled across Si Scott's work and thought it was great, very simple but unique, it adds more to just type, makes it more interesting. He has done work for the likes of Nike among others. To look at the work is very simple, mainly lines and circles mixed in with some colour but the outcomes are great.

I chose just a couple of my favourites but there are many others, check out more of his work on his site http://www.siscottstudio.com/
What's admiring about Si Scott is that his typographic work is done by hand which is a nice change than being done straight up on the MAC. There's a BBC clip about how he draws. Couldn't get hold of the whole clip but heres a preview.
It's called 'The secret of drawing'
I've taken some inspiration from him in designing a logo for a recent competition but I think that it takes a lot of practice!
I love all his work - he has an iconic look to his designs.
I had a peek and its the video i cam across on his site, pretty interesting and nice to see it's not all macced up these days, sure it will be soon though. I think hi work is great, and may be subject to time in the sense of if it is overdone then it may go out of fashion but who knows, either way a great talent to have under your belt.
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