While looking through the Guerrilla Advertising: Unconventional Brand Communication book there were various ads which catch your eyes, one of which was Adidas Vertical Football in Japan.
It just takes things that bit further, its like still pictures went to motion, but this is a whole new ball park putting people on a sky scraper to play football - a real attention grabber, and like it says on the ad a real way to cut through the clutter of bright flashing ads everywhere else.
While looking for this ad i stumbled across some other adidas ones which i have never seen before. They come from the Impossible is Nothing campaign which in itself is just a great statement and really makes you think more deeply about alot of things and not just sport.
Getting them to draw and then it be animated makes it more personal and how it continues to voice the story, its like your seeing it how it is in there head. It just gives you a pinch of there live and what they have gone through to get there and the obstacles haven't stopped them achievingm its just makes them want to prove themselves moreso. There are numerous others on youtube.
Another which i found in the adidas is pretty funny, i would love to be somewhere and this actually happen to see how people really did react, whether they would stop and play or just pick up a ball and run. It could be a real good talent spotter situation.
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