I came across this guy from someone elses website personally a good find i would say. His work is pretty cool and its interesting because the more i look at various peoples work on the internet and in books the more i realise you dont have to be the amazing drawer, now Rae's work is good and accurate, but it shows you can have fun and do things your way and that you dont have to have all these perspectives and shadowing. Below is a snap shot from his website, pretty funky and easy to use, also interesting to see what people do with there sites to put there mark on them or make them that bit different from the usual dreamweaver templates.

The two pieces i chose of his work are quite busy alot going on but they create an overall picture, it's not till later on when you look at it in more detail that you realise there are lots of little bits going on, bit like 'Where's Wally' really.

This next piece is for The Raconteurs but it has replicated the album cover from Pink Floyd Relics (see two below) in the image of Pink Floyd's cover they dont look as similar but we have the vinyl cover in our houst at university as wall decorations.

Check out his work at http://www.andrewrae.org.uk/
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