While driving home from Surrey today i have noticed a number of lorries have no advertising on them, an ideal place for someone to advertise there product. The two that stood out were Royal Mails large red lorries, nice clean and shiny, when you compare it to most other lorries on the road it comes out tops until the one and only Eddie Stobart made itself known. Edward Stobart Jnr started to name his lorry cabins after female names, the first being "Twiggy", then "Tammy" (Wynette), "Dolly" (Parton), and "Suzi" (Quatro). With this little novelty factor and the emphasis on keeping all the lorries immaculate and having uniform Eddie Stobart started to get orders from larger firms boosting the business.
To emphasise there success "by the year 2000, it had 1,000 lorries and owned 24 storage depots around the United Kingdom. Since each lorry has a life (before disposal) of three years, this means that the company was roughly purchasing a new lorry every single day".
1 comment:
As a marketer I have often wondered why companies dont use this space more effectively. 3M now make a system that would let companies change the graphics on trucks in minutes.
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