The whole building has the dragns all over it, the reasoning behind the dragons is based on fairy tales - "the dragon protects the treasure of gold bars and jewels." I find it funny for that a serious concept they took this concept, becuase it looks very bizarre to hae these dragons all over the buildings. The water is there for ecological (cooling the building and collecting rain water for toilet flushing) and security purposes (deters intuders) but also viually adds something to the overall build.
Some of the other works they have done vary alot and are not your normal build by any means, below is a Printshop in Amsterdam

They are not scarred to try different things and the best bit is neither are there customers which helps people to be more creative and experimental. Another building that caught my eye is the Netherlands Institute For Sound And Vision, some of the building is below as well as above ground and the the coloured glass 'depicts famous images of Dutch television'.

Check out http://www.neutelings-riedijk.com/index.php for some more wierd and wonderful designs.
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