while looking for more posters in the 'Without Heinz Ketchup' series i stumbled across this little gem, not sure if it's that old, but the copy reads - Since 1869 free from colourings and preservatives. This tied in with the image is seamless, so so simple.
This Ketchup thing is quite interesting. I was trying to find a link on youtube to the ads on TV. They link in well to this campaign about being fresh and made purely from tomatoes.
I also found this but I don't really get it!!!
Heinz has been very clever with their use of the classic bottle they use as their brand. Much like Coca Cola they have made the packaging a part of their identity - which is of course a must. I think what they are doing is good, and very contemporary. Very similar to what Ribena and, as mentioned, Coca Cola is doing at the moment.
Heinz Ketchup has built up the reputation of being the ultimate source and as yu say the packaging is recognisable anywhere. With regards to your post michelle i have looked at it and there is another one with a turtle on it too, and the copy is 'ultrathick' so im guessing they have tied it in with the slow animals because even though kethcup is not runny it comes out the bottle easy whereas as ultrathick may be a bit slow hence the use of the animals.
Simple -and still instantly suggests ketch up made from real tomato’s a bit like those potato wedge adverts, potatoes just dug from the ground leads to cooked chips ready to eat.
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