This design has a number of unique features old and new and some irrelevant, but it works. After the digital debate on the glog this is some of the the kind of work that i would like to do but sit in wonderment at how. I really enjoyed visitng there website, it has a range of work for various companies. When first visiting the site i wondered where the menu was but as you move around the work appears and disappears out of nothing so you can look at the work in the background. Also not many sites go horizontal in the sense of navigation bars usually vertical so its nice to see a change.

I really admire the work of Vault49. The combination of photography and illustration is great, often the quality of image is down to the photo shoot then the illustration is developed and layered afterwards. What annoys me about Vault49, and this kind of links to Martin's comments on the Graphics blog, is that their animation is sub-contracted out,alot of the actual animation is not done in-house. However, this is not to say that they are not a talented company, I really respect their print work and I have a keen interest in illustation in combination with photography which is what they are best at. There was an intersting article about Vault49 in Computer Arts magazine not that long ago. You should also check out work by Sarah Howell.
Clearly a leader in the illustration field, with a recognisable and admired style that is very 'now' and in-fashion. Whilst I really enjoy the work of Vault49 and admire how they have pushed the boundaries with contemporary illlustration, this style is repeatedly being used and imitated at the moment and it stands to reason to question how much longer it will be before people get bored of it? Yes, it is visually stimulating but will it oneday become too familiar for the audience? Perhaps now whilst this style is so popular, its the time to explore different illustrative approaches-especially as design students.
It does seem a shame that they do sub contract out but i think they will gradually build it up in house as it will raise the company profile two fold. I have looked at Sarah Howell's work after your recommendation and totally agree very similarin style but not content.
Ans sarah i know what you mean with regards to the same style but it happens with everything, like fashion this seasons style, such as life it all comes around again so even though it will change soon no doubt there is still the need to have the skills and enhance your base but then take it somewhere further.
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