I found this site while going through a list i have compiled over time and particulary like the design of this site, its nothing overly creative just simple and gets all the information across and is easy to find what you want. I particulary like the titles for the area you are in - see second and tird picture. Most of it is pretty simple but the odd bit like on portfolio tiny thumbnails appear from all directions to form orderly lines, and with the Freestyle part there are some shapes faded and gently flowing out grabbing attention but not stealing the stage away from the the main focus.

Check it out at
1 comment:
A really nice website that is slick and makes you want to find out more about the people behind it.
Agree about the portflio section when confusion and random thumbnails suddenly become ordered, it gives the impression that erhaps the comapny manages to create solutions to problems and make things that are complicated seem straight forward and clear. Perhaps thats looking to deep into the design of the site but its just a thought.
In terms of use the site is fast and certainly when i used it there was no delays or slowing down especially when looking through the thumbnails.
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