A while ago i went to Bakewell with some friends and while they were eyeing up the tarts i came across this little jar...Spanks. It just mae me laugh. But i have been on there website, its nothing to write home about but quite nice, simple and minimalistic. Aesthetically the products are quite nice to look at, they do not bombard you with information or pretty patterns, it lets the goods speak for itself. They have a range of products but sadly nowhere does it say where the name originated from...the more i think about it the the more i have a justifiable idea...my guess is that someone has put there own spin on the word, so basically thanks you get spanks, a pretty old one to be fair. But a novel and memorable name for an everyday product.

Like you, I was impressed with the simplicity of the brand and the packaging here. Some companies are not confident enough to leave space around their design as its almost like its 'valuable space wasted' if they have left any blank areas, this is probably more true with packaging than any other medium.
Although their website is definitely functional rather than a design statement in itself, I guess this actually fits in with what they are trying to say about the brand. I like your theory about the name, it’s a pitty the website doesn’t give a better company history.
Whilst I think this packaging is attractive, it seems a little too trendy to me; like you'd open it up and it'd smell of perfume or something. In my opinion it doesn't really look that simple. It seems to be loitering in an awkward middleground between being simple, honest, homemade-type produce and being glossy, marketed mass-produced stuff. I think I'm honestly confused by this curd!
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