This is great, i popped onto Saatchi & Saatchi's website for a look and this was the first piece i saw, so clever and simple. The three words (potentially) used everyone anticipates the obvious for Love which it is meant to be but obviously could be anything like hate. Taking the middle word away illustrates bad connection fantastically and is one of those likely situations where it is really important and something fails, good old technology.
This is the latest Guinness campaign costing 10m and lasts arounds one minute 30secs.
It is filmed in Argentina in a small village where they used the locals who had a lack of film knowledge and little English. About 6,000 dominoes were used for the ad, around 10,000 books, 400 tyres, six cars and 45 wardrobes, while 24 hours of footage was captured despite the dominoes taking just 14 seconds to topple. The ad is pretty cool, created and directed by Nicolai Fuglsig who made the Sony Bravia balls advert. The ads pretty good, but I'm not entirely sure, i think it will work better in the shorter stints of 30 and 60 seconds not the full 90 seconds. Clever ending with the books, going from back to front, the problem is you know what its going to come to at the end, the Guinness Pint.
Not only are they producing great ads for the bravia but for there mp3 Walkman too. This advert is fantastic, it's great how they have used a number of people to make the music, it could have probably been done with about five or six but by breaking up the music and spreading it through more people it makes the advert more special. The timing is great and watching it happen you have great respect for music and what it can do. When i first saw it i was totally in the advert and hooked on trying to find out what and guess what it was for, my guesses were for something like the proms my brother thought radio, never did we think Sony. They are a force to be reckoned with and i say watch out apple. The advert also reminds me slightly of the Honda ad where the group makes all the sounds for the cars actions (just seen in the comments on YouTube someone else does too). All in all a great ad that keeps you captivated till the end, that is how to make an ad.
As i watched this advert i was undecided as to what it was for, but all the colour instantly linked it to sony bravia for me, especially at the end with the big rolls of colour material down the stairs, reminded me alot of balls down the hill, but no it's Orange. I was a bit confused and felt like they had ripped off the bravia colour style, almost a cheaper downscaled version. But what i do like is there website, this they have been clever with.
Normal opening page, pretty cool loading timer to watch and as its all about good things never ending that is just what the website is...never ending. Have a go, i don't know if it's impossible (probably) but a very clever ploy and as you attempt it there are bits along the way to play with but keeping the colours from the advert in keeping with the site by having a never ending rainbow which technically there not.
It's a 12 week campaign costing 6 million pounds to promote the current unlimited deal in the run up to Christmas. It will be running across TV, outdoor, press, web and in store so keep your eyes peeled for rainbows everywhere.
I found these ads and think there pretty good, trying to emphasise that you get so submerged in the book that it is all they see or at least you wont respond because your to wrapped in this little world that penguin have created. Penguin itself seems to be on a comeback at the moment, using this retro step back phase were into at the moment to boost them back into the market and our lives. It's not that we forgot about them but they seemed to take a back seat and go a bit quiet, to be honest i don't really know famous publishers like them, but Penguin have even branched out into mugs with there book titles on it, very catchy, more so if you've got a favourite.