Sunday, 22 May 2011

BBC Radio 6

Hey folks, it has been a while, lets just say I have been busy, May, has been busy. With everything else going on the blogging has fell by the side, so here we are - time to update and cross a few pieces off of the list.

When I first saw this advert it made me smile, using the different DJ's featured on the radio station, all making there own way to the 'hub' of speakers. Simple way of showing the selection of DJ's and the range of music played on the station. To be fair any song advert that has 'You've Got the Love' has my vote - amazing song. The other thing i particularly like about the trailer is that it is short and snappy which you could argue is because it is only used on the BBC channels but they give you all the information needed without dragging the advert out. Since the advert I have started to listen to BBC 6 which before this I never knew existed - the plan worked.

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