just thought it was pretty bizarre really but quite novel, but it did not link into the decore of the rest of the bar but novel anywho.
Sunday, 29 July 2007
wine wine wine
While i was out in the bars last night in Leicester, i looked up and spotted bottles on the ceiling...

just thought it was pretty bizarre really but quite novel, but it did not link into the decore of the rest of the bar but novel anywho.
just thought it was pretty bizarre really but quite novel, but it did not link into the decore of the rest of the bar but novel anywho.
Saturday, 21 July 2007
Brum Brum
Welcome to Aston Martin
An Aston Martin combines three important elements: power, beauty and soul. Aston Martins are truly special - they always have been and always will be.
As i have looked at a couple of classics my favourite car at the moment is....drum roll please...Aston Martin Vanquish, the dream of owning a car like this, or at least the latest version at the time.

This car looks amazing and im sure driving it is much better. Also being a British car manufacturer it is a car and brand to be proud of; the brand itself holds high stature and is a sign of wealth. Personally there whole range of cars are great and at the moment they have supllied cars for the majority of Bond films.
A recent relese from Jaguar the XK i feel is slightly scandalous, it's looking pretty similar to the Aston Martins in my opinion, check it out for yourself.

Think i would rather have an Aston Martin but with the price tag of a Jaguar.
An Aston Martin combines three important elements: power, beauty and soul. Aston Martins are truly special - they always have been and always will be.
As i have looked at a couple of classics my favourite car at the moment is....drum roll please...Aston Martin Vanquish, the dream of owning a car like this, or at least the latest version at the time.

This car looks amazing and im sure driving it is much better. Also being a British car manufacturer it is a car and brand to be proud of; the brand itself holds high stature and is a sign of wealth. Personally there whole range of cars are great and at the moment they have supllied cars for the majority of Bond films.
A recent relese from Jaguar the XK i feel is slightly scandalous, it's looking pretty similar to the Aston Martins in my opinion, check it out for yourself.

Think i would rather have an Aston Martin but with the price tag of a Jaguar.
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Debut Art
Vault 49

This design has a number of unique features old and new and some irrelevant, but it works. After the digital debate on the glog this is some of the the kind of work that i would like to do but sit in wonderment at how. I really enjoyed visitng there website, it has a range of work for various companies. When first visiting the site i wondered where the menu was but as you move around the work appears and disappears out of nothing so you can look at the work in the background. Also not many sites go horizontal in the sense of navigation bars usually vertical so its nice to see a change.

Real Letters...

Not as in the written ones you get in the post, but the ones we use everyday for various communication but in 3d form. ViaLetter have the option of four typefaces and you can write your own message and it gives you a preview - try before you buy. Such as above. Below are some of the examples from the website are below.

Stars is the best example but still its £2.50 a letter so you dont want to write too much otherwise its expensive. But an interesting gimicky idea.
I found this site while going through a list i have compiled over time and particulary like the design of this site, its nothing overly creative just simple and gets all the information across and is easy to find what you want. I particulary like the titles for the area you are in - see second and tird picture. Most of it is pretty simple but the odd bit like on portfolio tiny thumbnails appear from all directions to form orderly lines, and with the Freestyle part there are some shapes faded and gently flowing out grabbing attention but not stealing the stage away from the the main focus.

Check it out at http://www.firstbornmultimedia.com/

Check it out at http://www.firstbornmultimedia.com/

Just a little quote that i thought related pretty well to life. How we all get so caught up in bits and bobs and all the kids now a days want to grow up so quickly. The site has got some pretty good work on it, postcard based.
Monday, 16 July 2007
The Classics VW

Thought i would look at a bit of different design...Now this badge to me is great, but only on the older cars like in the 60's the metal badge, which i somehow seem to have one. But they look so much better than todays plastic replicas and represent a different time of life with it, the hippies era of flower power. Personally i would love a split screen VW camper but with a newer faster engine, if you go down to Cornwall you will see more of this 'retro' style, and its great when you look at specialist magazines to see how people have restored the vehicles to there full glory and even transformed there further to there needs. But the cars and shapes have so much more character than todays cars which look more alike everyday with slight tweaks between them for ex. if you compare the 106, fiesta, and a new fiesta and corsa.
Friday, 13 July 2007
The Wait is Ogre
Thursday, 12 July 2007

This is a book that was recommended by Pete Ward in his lecture. Im working my way through it, its quite an interesting read and helps you learn about writing in the right format for that job. I quite like the cover, behind the title is 'GO ON PICK ME UP'and the whole point of changing the mind is to get you to pick it up or engage with the piece of material. With the bold red colour nothing detracts from the title making it almost become the picture too.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Dave Webster
This guy has done the animation for Watership Down and Yellow Submarine. Recently my step brother has used him for some light hearted promo bits. The images are funny and silly showing a new side to trombone players and the potential uses of there instruments. Some of my favourites are below but see www.trombonemusic.co.uk for more images and info.

Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Check this out!
This video is great, if it could be tied into a promo for something it could be very memorable.
everytime i watch it im pretty amazed at the timing and the general show, it must have taken so much practice, but when you think about it, its a bit like Nike with there football and basketball ads on my blog they showcase the skills of the players wearing the brand. Like it is in the video a half time in a basketball is obviously ideal but it could be altered to suit the situation, but a very memorable piece as you may agree.
everytime i watch it im pretty amazed at the timing and the general show, it must have taken so much practice, but when you think about it, its a bit like Nike with there football and basketball ads on my blog they showcase the skills of the players wearing the brand. Like it is in the video a half time in a basketball is obviously ideal but it could be altered to suit the situation, but a very memorable piece as you may agree.
Elvis has not left the building!
After looking at the bob monkhouse ads and the article about it from alan on the glog i looked up the bbc two ad from which the idea was inspired by. The ad is good but for me its the copy that completes it. Obviously Elvis was and is a large status symbol, as are the others featured but without the copy it doessnt quite make sense, the copy reads - "What an amazing line-up. All day, every day." Not only does it sum up the ad and the meaning behind it but the bbc too, this is what there all about, providing the best for its viewers/listeners.
Josh Cochran

Some of this guys work is great, not all of the images i especially like but more the style of which they are drawn. With the graphic pen and then coloured in using only a few colours, but it works that there are only limited colours all of the drawing still sticks out. His work is pretty random too, when you look at the content of his illustrations alot it doeant seem to have a general theme. Another favourite i like is the one below.

I found this poster of his on his blog on www.joshcochran.net and even though you cant read the copy and when its enlarged you cant read it that well either it is about smoking being used in films. Cleverly Josh has used a film reel to signify the smoke linking the issue of smoke being present in films.

I stumbled across this website while trawling the net and like the simplicity of the set, a total contrast to Leo Burnetts. They have a range of work acorss different medias, one particular favourte is there work for 'Comedy Central'. Showing a range of ways you can use an ident in various formats using different colours and layouts.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Big Ideas come out of Big Pencils
more red stuff
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